Poodle (Miniature) / Mixed (long coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Small
Meet Lacey!! She is a beautiful Toy Poodle mix. She is believed to be 4 years old. She came to our rescue from a local shelter. Lacey currently weighs about 10 pounds and is full grown. She is very sweet and loves kids. She is crate and house trained. She will make some family a great furry family member!! The adoption fee is $250.00. The adoption fee helps allow Perfect Paws to provide all animals with current, age appropriate vaccinations which include, DHLPP, Kennel Cough and Rabies (if the pet is at least 16 weeks old), and spay/neuter when necessary. The fee also helps with the cost of deworming; heart worm testing (if the pet is at least 1 year old), heartworm prevention as well as flea and tick prevention for animals cared for through the rescue. She will go home with a collar, leash, training DVD, and vaccination record. If you would like to adopt this very special K-9 kid, complete our convenient Online Adoption Form on our website www.perfectpawspetrescue.org Email any questions to Tammy Derickson at tlderickson@yahoo.com or Jayne Biehl at jbiehl3@gmail.com NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. More about LaceyGood with Dogs, Good with Kids Other Pictures of Lacey (click to see larger version):