Husky / Labrador Retriever / Mixed (medium coat) : : Male (neutered) : : Baby : : Medium Learn more about the Labrador Retriever.
Meet Rex!! He is believed to be a Husky/Lab mix puppy about 5 to 6 months old. Rex currently weighes about 35 pounds and he could possibly get as large as 60lbs! He is very sweet and loves everyone. He does well with other dogs, cats and kids of all ages. Rex is crate trained and housetrained. Being a puppy, Rex would benefit greatly from obedience training. Just look at that face and the beautiful blue eyes, he will melt your heart. Rex will make a great addition so some lucky family. The adoption fee is $250.00. The fees collected by Perfect Paws Pet Rescue allow that all animals are spayed or neutered; are current on DHLPP, Kennel Cough, and Rabies (if old enough) vaccinations; heartworm tested (if old enough),on heartworm prevention, flea/tick prevention treatment, and de-worming treatment. He will go home with a collar, leash, ID tag, training DVD, and vaccination record. A healthy pet is a happy pet! Protect your pet's health with Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and save up to 90% on your vet bills. Visit for your free quote (use code PerfectPaws for a special discount) and learn how your protected pet helps save more homeless pets! If you would like to adopt this very special K-9 kid, complete our convenient Online Adoption Form on our website Email any questions to Tammy Derickson at or Jayne at NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE More about RexGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids Other Pictures of Rex (click to see larger version):