Pug / Boxer / Mixed : : Female (spayed) : : Baby : : Medium Learn more about the Pug. Learn more about the Boxer.
this is Zola! Maggie, the mother of this litter came to us on 12/13/06 from a shelter in Kentucky where she was scheduled to be euthanized if not rescued. She came into our rescue and delivered her babies six days later. See Maggie's picture on our website so you can see her size and coloring. We believe her to be a Pug/Beagle mix. She weighs 26 pounds and has a very mild, sweet temperament. The litter has been assessed by two veterinarians and several dog experts who agree the puppies are probably a Pug/Boxer mix. Although we are listing these babies as Pug/Boxer mix we have no way of knowing with certainty. The litter was altered and weaned on 2/9/07. They will be somewhat larger than their mother weighing approximately 35 — 45 pounds. Weight estimation is also a not a certainty. They will be medium sized. The litter has received their first puppy combination shot as well as their Bordatella (kennel cough) vaccination. They have been wormed. They are using puppy training pads but are in no way potty trained.
Zola was born on 12/19/06 at 11:06 and weighed 9 ounces. She was the last puppy to be born in this litter of eight. She was a little surprise as we were all but certain Maggie was done. She is a small little girl and weighs five pounds at present. She may be the smallest in size but she is big on attitude. She is spunky and loves to get your attention by doing silly things. She was first in this litter to bark so her nickname is Barkey. She does not bark most now though, she was just the teacher. She is curious, intelligent and very social. My name is Ehren Woodard and I have fostered Maggie and her pups since they came into our rescue. They were born in my kitchen and have been handled every day by myself, my husband and my three sons who are in middle school and high school. I have nieces and nephews who have come to visit and play with them. They are well socialized and love children. I have a Jack Russell Terrier and a Schnauzer/Lab mix that all the puppies love. I do not have any cats, so I have no way of knowing if they would get along. I imagine they would as they are all mild tempered. This is a special litter of puppies and deserves loving forever homes. If you are interested please fill out an application. Make sure you fill it our completely as any partial or incomplete applications will not be considered. If you would like to speak to me after filling out your application please feel free to call me at 260/515-2955. Upon review of your application I will call you to set up a meeting time here in my home where you can meet the pup you have applied for. I encourage you to bring any current pets and all family members. Serious inquiries and applications only please. The adoption fee is $200.00. This fee includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery. Current DHLPP, Kennel Cough, and Rabies (if old enough) vaccinations. Heartworm test (if old enough), heartworm prevention, flea/tick prevention treatment, and de-worming treatment. Zola will go home with a collar, leash, ID tag, training DVD and her vaccination record. If you would like to adopt this very special K-9 kid, complete our convenient Online Adoption Form on our website www.perfectpawspetrescue.org More about ZolaGood with Dogs, Good with Kids Other Pictures of Zola (click to see larger version):