Beagle / Terrier / Mixed : : Female (spayed) : : Baby : : Medium
Meet Wendy, this adorable little girl is believed to be a terrier/beagle mix. She is 6 weeks old. Wendy's mother was approximately a 20lb terrier, who was hit by a car and died when Wendy was only a few days old. This precious baby has been bottle fed and hand raised. She is well socialized and loves other dogs and cats. Wendy is potty pad trained and is working on house breaking. She is a bundle of energy and can out last the energizer bunny! She is one of four in her liter. Wendy does not like to be away from you and loves to be carried around, she is cuddly and enjoys giving kisses. Wendy will need lots of chew toys, as she is a teething baby. Wendy would love a human brother or sister, but will need careful supervision as she does not yet know how to differentiate fingers from chew toys.
The adoption fee is $200.00. This fee includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery. Current DHLPP, Kennel Cough, and Rabies (if old enough) vaccinations. Heartworm test (if old enough), heartworm prevention, flea/tick prevention treatment, and de-worming treatment. Wendy will go home with a collar, leash, ID tag, training DVD and her vaccination record. If you would like to adopt this very special K-9 kid, complete our convenient Online Adoption Form on our website Email any questions to Tammy Derickson at NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE More about WendyGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids Other Pictures of Wendy (click to see larger version):