To assist in our effort please donate, no amount is too small!

We've teamed up with Terri Lynn fine nuts and candies.  Any item you buy from our store includes a donation to our rescue.  Click on the picture below to visit our store


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Perfect Paws is a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization
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Pepples Pepples
Adopted: January 15, 2013
Yellow Labrador Retriever / Mixed (medium coat)

Peppy Peppy
Domestic Medium Hair / Tabby / Mixed

Pepsi Pepsi
Keeshond / Border Collie / Mixed (long coat)

Pera Pera
Adopted: April 26, 2014
Boxer / Labrador Retriever / Mixed (short coat)

Perla Perla
Adopted: April 12, 2013
Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat)

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